Fifteen (15) Years…And Still Ticking

So…If you read my post on March 20, 2018,…you know that I just celebrated fifteen (15) years since receiving my double lung transplant.  I also made a trip to Vanderbilt for my clinic visit that day.  For those who are curious, time has granted me a few rewards…and a few new issues.

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  • Prograf (tacrolimus) dosage and blood level goal has been reduced.
  • A1C is down to 5.8 from around 7.0 (would indicate a pre-diabetic level).
  • Since last April I’ve reduced my weight from ~245 lbs to ~200 lbs (I’m floating between 200 and 204 depending on the day).  When my thyroid went south, I gained over 25 lbs in about a month and a half.
  • “Fish Oil” has been added to my daily chemistry set.  My cholesterol and triglycerides are on the “high” side.
  • Vitamin D intake has been increased to 3x/week.
  • Imuran (azathioprine) has been put on hold until I see rheumatologist tomorrow.  I’ve been experiencing severe joint pain for about the last three (3) months.
  • Prednisone dosage has been reduced to 5 mg daily.
  • FEV1 (lung capacity) is showing a steady decline.  I’m not sure if I can equate that to lowered exercise tolerance due to the chronic pain or time just taking its toll.  If I remember right, my level was 2.93 (liters on a 4.0 scale).
  • Butrans (pain patch) has been increased to 20mcg/hr (gets replaced every seven days).
  • Neurontin (gabapentin) dosage is increased to 1200mg 3x/day (helps with pain).

I’ll have to get the “blue box” out and a complete count of how many medications I’m on at this time.  I’m sure it’s approaching twenty (20) again.

How is it my friend Barb says. “…barely living through chemistry”.  I agree wholeheartedly.

Until next time…God bless you and keep you.  I would be celebrating this fifteen year mark without the grace of God.

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