Of The Seven Dwarfs…I’m “Sleepy”.

[Re-posted from 2016-01-09]

So Doc & Crew have been trying to find help for the increased migraines/headaches that began over this past summer.  They’ve got me taking Topamax (topiramate) for the last week or so.  The medication is primarily used for seizures but also has a use for controlling migraines.  The drug has an unfortunately long list of side-effects…sleepiness or tired feeling being the one hitting me the hardest.  That’s not exactly what I need right now…but I will admit…the headaches are a little less painful.  The question now is…do I continue like “Sleeping Beauty” or “Sleepy” and lay around unconscious all the time with no headaches or do I say “no thanks” to this drug.  Of course, there’s always the possibility of a lower dose and some happy middle-ground.  I’ll be discussing all these details with my medical team on Monday.

Btw, I’ve migrated just about all of my medical services to the Murfreesboro area.  I only go to Nashville if it’s absolutely necessary.  I’ve made previous Facebook commentary about the current conditions at Vanderbilt.  I recently received a letter from the Adult Lung Transplant Dept. Director stating the facts we already knew: folks quit, understaffed, understaffed, understaffed.

Oh, and for those of you who are curious about the DSA (Donor Specific Antibody) issue that was so “hot” back in May, I haven’t heard a word from anyone at Vandy since September.  I’ve had my local Doc perform blood draws for me.  I contacted Vandy myself to see what labs they would want.   Gotta love ’em.

Until next time…

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