[Re-Posted from 2016-07-15] As Heather and I sat on our patio last night, it occurred to me that a large portion of the United States' population hold in their hands the key to escape oppression, ignorance and poverty. This "key" is called a smartphone. These devices have been used recently to create videos of everything … Continue reading The World In The Palm Of Your Hand
Of The Seven Dwarfs…I’m “Sleepy”.
[Re-posted from 2016-01-09] So Doc & Crew have been trying to find help for the increased migraines/headaches that began over this past summer. They've got me taking Topamax (topiramate) for the last week or so. The medication is primarily used for seizures but also has a use for controlling migraines. The drug has an unfortunately … Continue reading Of The Seven Dwarfs…I’m “Sleepy”.
[Re-posted from 2016-08-28] What exactly is "family"? Can you sum up the meaning in simple words like those listed below? I've had folks tell me that, "Friends are the family that you choose for yourself." That's a somewhat cynical (and yet sickly comical) way of looking at "families" when they seem to be full of … Continue reading Family…
Missed Opportunity…
[Re-posted from 2016-07-14] On May 24th, I posted litany of complaints about situations I was dealing with at the time. I made a mistake. That list didn't belong on Facebook, it belonged on a roll of toilet paper. It was literally a shit list. Instead of posting about all of the blessings I have that … Continue reading Missed Opportunity…
Can You Hear The Jackhammers And Power-saws?
[Re-posted from 2016-06-01] So, I was listening to some old George Jones tunes the other night...reminiscing about my mom. She loved the Possum...and even a die-hard rock-n-roller like me can respect the genius of some of his lyrics. Though the song has nothing to do with the way I'm about to use his lyrics...I think … Continue reading Can You Hear The Jackhammers And Power-saws?