Some of my friends know that I have been dealing with "body-wide pain" over the last couple months. The medications that I have been prescribed are not what I need. Believe it or not, they are too powerful and of the wrong class/type. There will be future posts on this topic. We have been experiencing … Continue reading Dried Up Bones
Only By The Grace Of God (…fourteen years)
Fourteen years ago...sometime around 4:00pm...March 20, 2003...I entered one of Vanderbilt University Hospital's operating rooms to receive two lungs generously donated by a grieving family. Sometime between nine and twelve hours later (March 21, 2003)...I would be breathing through lungs I wasn't born with but graciously received from that family's deceased twenty-two year old son. … Continue reading Only By The Grace Of God (…fourteen years)
Prayer Requests For Heather (…and me soon most likely)
Heather started complaining of a sore/burning throat a couple days back. She had been sneezing as well, so we were chalking it up to spring allergies (post-nasal drip irritating her throat, etc.). Well, after the "aching body" symptom was added...I asked that she please see our family doctor. Her favorite test, the "strep swab", revealed … Continue reading Prayer Requests For Heather (…and me soon most likely)
Discernment Through Prayer
Over the past couple months, some very "interesting" information has been brought to my attention. I sat for a while tonight praying about, "Why is this information being provided to me at this point in my life?" "What purpose could it possible serve?" And of course, I asked...even though I trust the sources who have … Continue reading Discernment Through Prayer
Unfortunate Circumstances = Improved System
A couple of weeks back, I became the victim of an attack on my database server. For the geeks out there, somehow I had managed to leave a couple user names in MariaDB (the fork of MySQL in use on my NAS) with unlimited access and no password. Some ingenious toilet paper consumer decided to … Continue reading Unfortunate Circumstances = Improved System