Just a quick update on the medical front…After feeling like complete crap since around October 2016, finally discovered I have hypothyroidism. My primary care doc has started me on Levothyroxipine (0.075) for an initial six (6) weeks to see how I fair. I would say that it’s helping a little…but I’m still needing to take … Continue reading Medical Summary
So, as i was choking down my twent pills tonight...I said to mysef, "I'm so tired of this taking all these pills." Then it immeditely occurred to me there many families out the saying, "I'm so tired of my loved one not being with us anymore."
Welcome Our New Contributors
Two things have changed today. The first, I changed the blog name (rather subtly) to "Insights - Journal Of Life". This small change is made as I welcome three new contributors (item number two). Not only will you continue to have my stories, testimonies and such to read...but you'll soon be greeted with articles by … Continue reading Welcome Our New Contributors
How I Got Here
It occurred to me when one of my cousins recently reconnected with me. Many of my friends (and even family members) don't know how I got where I am. I am speaking of both medical, physical, and spiritual. Therefore, I am going to try and post an article (or series of articles) that explain the transition(s) that I … Continue reading How I Got Here
Blood Donation Time Approaches
No, I am not talking about the Red Cross variety...however I always encourage anyone and everyone who can donate blood to do so. What I am talking about is my upcoming appointment at my Doc's office. It happens to be one of those, "ask and ye shall receive" type situations. A couple days ago, I … Continue reading Blood Donation Time Approaches