I'm breaking from the story lines I've been building-up to speak about the mission I feel God has set before me (sharing my testimony) and the obvious attacks meant to divert me from this service. As I told my wife and a friend from church this afternoon, I feel as if a circle of negativity … Continue reading Under Attack
Do I Hear Him?
(NIV) Psalms 119:7-87 I will praise you with an upright heartas I learn your righteous laws.8 I will obey your decrees;do not utterly forsake me.
Who Am I To Judge?
I was listening to a channel on SiriusXM today called "The Message" (Channel 63 if you're interested). Occasionally, they'll have someone on who will offer a testimony of how they feel faith and God helped them through a tough or "low" spot in their life. Today's guest was Christian recording artist Matthew West. Matthew spoke … Continue reading Who Am I To Judge?
Turtle On His Back? Naw…It’s Just Jack, Jr.
So, two days ago...I think it was...I was upstairs in the office and decided that I wanted to get my M-Audio 61-key MIDI controller out of the corner and make use of it with the little jam session I had in progress. I broke my own rule...ALWAYS...yes AWAYS wear shoes. Being a diabetic...it's one of … Continue reading Turtle On His Back? Naw…It’s Just Jack, Jr.
Three Times The Fun
This is a story about "DUH" moments. Yesterday, it occurred to me that I'm spending so much time trying to build my "How I Got Here" series...that I've completely ignored the present and future thoughts and events I need to share. So, that being said...I'm going to try and run stories about the past, present … Continue reading Three Times The Fun