my mission

Well,  I’m an old graying geek. I’m also a husband, a father, a child, a follower of Jesus Christ…and most recently… a grandfather, and a father-in-law to two wonderful people.. My life has been an interesting one so far…and my experiences (good, bad and otherwise) have molded me into the person I am today. I make no claims to being an expert in any field of study.

This website was created as a journal of my life’s experiences. They are posted here to serve as my testimony.  My desire?  Someone at sometime beyond my knowledge might stumble across this website. In doing so, I pray they would find some crumb, some small seed, a tiny spark that resonates with that reader. Should they be a Christian themselves, I hope they find some blessing amongst my chaotic words. In the same way, I pray that the tiny seed they find would open a journey of their own and seek out more seeds. Serving God and leading with a small seed…they would come to know Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

It really is that simple I suppose…but there is a little more.

What I post is mostly my memories and my vision of God in my life. At times I have been known to “preach” a little. So, for some unknown reason, I found myself looking for a way to become an actual “ordained minister”. As I lack the tuition fees to attend a formal seminary, I looked around the Internet and found a company with solid credentials that would provide the “legal” backing should I take my new title into different ventures.

So, now you know that if Mr. Bill is preaching from his soapbox, he’s doing it “as” an actual preacher.

Not long after I acquired my credentials, one of my good friends informed me he was getting married. Hmm…yeah, why not . Well, I told him I possessed the proper credentials as a minister and would be an honor to officiate the wedding ceremony. It was indeed an incredible honor officiating their wedding ceremony, for the my friend and wife…but mostly as service to God. I have since officiated a second ceremony. To be in the presence of God, bringing two people together in His name, is an honor beyond even my vocabulary. The opportunity to officiate a third wedding currently remains an unknown. I’ll certainly update this page should I the couple ask.

Jesus instructed His disciples to spread The Good News…to make disciples of the world. It is my belief that every person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, have become ministers under His same decree. I hope to have the opportunity to discuss the “vision” God bestows upon us to see the Truth versus the lies we face daily.

Holding a piece of paper stating that I’m an  “ordained minister” follows the advice Jesus offered, “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and unto God what is God’s.” Essentially, my piece of paper satisfies the requirements of Caesars far and wide. My other piece of paper is an honorary “Doctor of Divinity” certificate for my ever diligent study of the Bible, other writings, books (non-canonical), the research of various theologians, and the culture as it existed during the life of Jesus.

As for spreading the word of God, my plan is to preach until they take my head!
