Yeah, Yeah…I Know.

[ LOOKING BACK – MOVING FORWARD ] -HISTORICAL RECORD:  If I look back upon the posts made as a historical record of my childhood, it is unfortunate that most are filled with clearly negative topics. Some go beyond the word “negative” and straight to “disturbing.” Pleasant memories or disturbing…they are me. They are the good and the bad all squished together over time, like clay in God’s hands (yeah, I could have chosen a better cliché), creating the person I am today.  No guarantees are offered as to the person I may be tomorrow. Simply put, none of us can make such a guarantee as we have no guarantee we’ll even be here tomorrow.
     Here’s what’s on my mind in recent days, weeks, and months. My faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior is the only item in my life that “I” consider guaranteed. Many hold the same beliefs alongside me, as well as a great multitude who consider me (or us) somewhat deranged for such beliefs.
     I’d like to explain the image attached to this post. This past Thursday, I had an appointment with my pulmonologist. The night before, I created an updated list of my medications. Along the left side of the spreadsheet, I keep a tally of prescriptions (Rx), durable medical equipment (DME), and over-the-counter items. Many items on this list fall into multiple categories. However, I want to leave you with the number “50”.

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